Code of conduct


The Code of Conduct is a policy guide developed by Sureo for use by those involved in and participating in the activities of MatkaRaTa Association and those participating in MatkaRaTa Association’s events. MatkaRaTa Association wants to ensure a level playing field at its events. The Code of Conduct deals with equality, bullying and harassment situations and how to deal with them. Responsible rules are important to ensure the well-being of all participants in MatkaRaTa Association’s events.

The Code of Conduct applies to MatkaRaTa Association’s events during the official programme of the event, i.e. from the time the event is marked to start until the time the event is marked to end. The Code of Conduct does not apply to unofficial continuations.
Section 6 of the Finnish Constitution states that people are equal and Section 6 of the Non-Discrimination Act prohibits direct and indirect discrimination and harassment based on the above-mentioned characteristics.

”People are equal before the law. No one shall be discriminated against on the basis of sex, age, origin, language, religion, conviction, opinion, health, disability or any other reason related to the person without a valid reason.” (Constitution of Finland §6)

“The education and training provider and the educational institution run by it must assess the implementation of equality in its activities and take the necessary measures to promote equality. Such measures shall be effective, appropriate and proportionate, taking into account the context, resources and other circumstances of the educational institution.” (Non-discrimination Act §6)

Everyone can experience harassment differently, there is no unambiguous way to define a person’s experience. The purpose of this policy guide is to create a framework in which all participants can feel equal and welcome as part of the MatkaRaTa Association’s community

Inappropriate behavior  

From now on, we will use the terms harassment and harassment situations together, which also cover situations of discrimination and inappropriate behavior. The activities and events of MatkaRaTa Association involve a wide range of people, many of whom are socially active and have opinions, ideologies and identities. It is also important to remember to respect the freedom of opinion and expression of each person involved. Respecting everyone’s freedom of expression and opinion is the first step towards a non-discriminatory and non-harassing event.

As hospitality management students, alcohol products feature prominently at our events, as alcohol and its accompaniments are a big part of our training. Raising alcohol products is not a push to consume alcohol, but is brought up for educational purposes or collaboration, for example. Finnish alcohol culture can also be oppressive, especially for those who do not drink. However, the choice to drink or not to drink alcohol is a personal one and should not be criticized or wondered at.

Social media is an integral part of MatkaRaTa Association’s events. MatkaRaTa Association has various discussion groups that serve as formal and informal communication channels. Social media and online communication can sometimes be challenging, so misunderstandings can arise more easily. It is fun to joke in different ways in communication channels, but jokes should be used within the boundaries of good taste.

Harassment and discrimination  

 ”Harassment is discrimination prohibited by the Equality Act. The law defines harassment as behavior that intentionally or actually violates a person’s dignity. Harassment is when a person creates an atmosphere of degrading, humiliating, threatening, hostile or offensive behavior towards another person based on a prohibited ground of discrimination, such as sexual orientation, origin or disability. Behavior is understood broadly to include, for example, emails, facial expressions, gestures, posting of inappropriate material, for example on the internet, or other forms of communication. Behavior that violates human dignity does not have to be directly directed at a specific person, but can also be directed at a group of people.” (

 ”Discrimination is when people are unjustifiably treated less favorably because of a personal characteristic. The general prohibition of discrimination is defined in the Finnish Constitution, Article 6. It states that people are equal before the law and that no one may be placed in a different position on the basis of sex, age, origin or other personal grounds without an acceptable reason. Discrimination is prohibited regardless of whether it is based on a fact or assumption concerning the person himself or herself or someone else. In addition to direct and indirect discrimination, the law considers harassment, denial of reasonable accommodation and instructions or orders to discriminate to be discrimination.” (

Sexual and gender-based harassment  

 Sexual and gender-based harassment is discrimination under the Equality Act.  

 ”Sexual harassment means verbal, non-verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature which is unwanted and which intentionally or actually violates the mental or physical integrity of a person, in particular by creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or harassing environment.” ( 

 ”Gender-based harassment means unwanted conduct related to a person’s sex, gender identity or gender expression, which is not of a sexual nature, which intentionally or actually violates the mental or physical integrity of a person and which creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or harassing environment.” (

 Harassment liaisons 

 The harassment liaisons of MatkaRaTa Association are persons elected by the MatkaRaTa Association’s board. The MatkaRaTa Association’s board may, if it wishes, appoint two harassment liaisons for events, preferably of different genders. The harassment liaisons can be contacted in person during events, but other means of contact are also available. The harassment liaisons can also be contacted after the event. 

In the event of harassment, the harassment liaison and the person experiencing harassment will discuss the situation and possible further action.  The harassment liaison will always act in confidence and will never take action without the permission of the person experiencing harassment. If necessary, the harassment liaison may only act as a discussion support if the person experiencing harassment does not request action.

Guidelines for dealing with harassment situations  

 If you experience harassment, discrimination or inappropriate behavior, or feel that someone else is being harassed or discriminated against, please contact the designated harassment contact points. 

  • Tell them what you have experienced or what has happened. 
  • Talk to the harassment officer about how to resolve the situation.
  • The harassment officer can: 
  • Contact the parties involved in the harassment situation and discuss what happened.
  • Arrange for both parties to the harassment situation to have the opportunity to discuss the incident with both parties to the incident. 
  • Advise the parties involved in the harassment to contact various support services, such as helplines.
  • Assemble a team to decide on action. 
  • If the harassment situation is very blatant and offensive, the harassment officer will assemble a team of different staff members to decide on the action that can be taken: 
  • Contact the first line manager of the person accused of harassment. 
  • Decide on possible disciplinary action, such as suspension from the programme or from the event, or even banning from the event.